Tube Feeders Inc.

Horizontal Tube Feeder for MyData




Maximum Component Size* for 89mm Width Version: Length - from 2mm up
                                                                          Width - from 5mm to 53mm
                                                                           Height - from 5mm to 45mm
Electrical/Mechanical Connection: Use of the feeder requires mechanical and
                                                    electrical connection to a MYDATA Generic                                                     Feeder Interface (GFI). The feeder comes                                                     with a communication cable and adapters for                                                      installation of the feeder on the GFI. The                                                     feeder also has a power connector to plug into                                                     a power outlet on the MYDATA.
Mounting Width: Each GFI will accommodate 2 Horizontal Tube Feeders.

* For standard equipment, special capabilities available upon request